If you want to lose weight and your focus is weight loss, you're less likely to lose weight. This is because when we keep saying to ourselves, "I want to/need to lose weight", what our brain hears and our heart feels is self-judgement, self-criticism, guilt and shame. Those thoughts and feelings do not facilitate weight loss. They do facilitate self-sabotage and roller coaster "dieting". Get off the shame train and the roller coaster by shifting your focus to what is getting in the way: what obstacles do you have? - There are 10 common obstacles to changing eating habits! What eating habits do you have? - There are 6 common eating habits! First: figure out which common obstacles and common eating habits you have. Second: focus on overcoming the obstacles and changing the habits. This is called shifting your focus from the problem to the solution. That is where and when the real life-long change happens. That's the sweet spot!
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