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Women's Holistic Hormone Health Practitioner

Professional Certification Course


If you are ready to learn how to put the health of you, your friends, family, and clients back into YOUR hands...

This course is for YOU.


The only Internationally Recognized Practitioner Course and a Brand-New Professional Modality Created by Jennifer.  She created this course because, in her own words:

“I struggled for years because I did not have the information I needed to understand what was going on in my body. This left me at the mercy of whomever I saw for treatment, which invariably ended up with a suggestion for a prescription that did nothing to treat the root cause of hormonal dysregulation.  I will share my story with you in the first webinar.

I spent years searching for answers. I put the pieces together and finally understood what was the root cause of my suffering.  It had a name and a cause; a why.  Which meant, in my case, there was a way through.  I could finally take actionable steps to harmonize my body and mind and balance my hormones.

If you, or a woman you know, has been struggling for years with hormonal imbalances and uncomfortable symptoms, you are not alone.  And now, you are in the right place to learn how to understand the ‘why and how’ of these imbalances, and what to do to correct them.”

This is one of the best written courses
I’ve ever laid eyes on

“Jennifer, honestly, this is one of the best written courses I’ve ever laid eyes on. As someone whose spent a lot of time in the social media space and seen a lot of people teaching, WHHHP stands apart. Additionally, what stands apart is your pure heart and desire to get this information out into the world. I notice you are quick to share helpful details and truly want us to learn and grow. Your essence is exactly what I’d always hoped for in a teacher, thank you for being you.”

Christina K.

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The Women’s Holistic Hormone Health Practitioner Certification is online and self-paced with direct access to Jennifer for questions. Each step of your Professional Certification Training Course is designed with your success in mind.

With this certification course you will:

Begin incorporating the material into your everyday life straight away

Enhance your ability to look at the woman in front of you with a keen eye and critical thinking skills RE what is going on in their BodyMind. 

Identify where clients are vital and where are they deficient

Determine how will you facilitate and work with them for their wellness goals

Learning about yourself – your hormonal life cycle and your monthly hormonal cycle

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As a Certified Women's Holistic Health Practitioner you will use the lifestyle medicine approaches taught in your course combined with, body literacy education, science-backed protocols, and diagnostic assessments to guide and enable your clients to reach their optimal hormonal balance.


It is comprised of 11 PDF modules containing a wealth of resources including videos, podcasts, and numerous links to resources and studies specifically chosen to enhance your learning and deepen your understanding of the course material. Preparing you for real life client work. Each Module has a teaching webinar recorded by Jennifer to further expand upon the written portion of your course.


Module 1

A Woman’s Hormonal Lifecycle

The 4 phases of a menstrual cycle

Hormones defined & explained. Not just sex hormones

The endocrine system

Hormonal contraception


Module 2

The 4 types of estrogen & its roles explained

The WHY behind hormonal imbalance symptoms

Estrogen Dominance what is and common symptoms

  • Breast swelling and tenderness

  • Irregular, heavy, clots, and painful periods

  • Migraines, weight gain, sugar cravings

  • How it mimics hypothyroid

The gut microbiome & the Estrobolome

Endocrine Disruptors


“The Pill”

How a Woman’s Menstrual Cycle is Regulated

Module 3

4 phases of the Menstrual Cycle

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis (HPO Axis)

Benefits of 35+ years of Ovulation to Prevent:

  • Osteoporosis

  • Stroke

  • Dementia

  • Heart disease

  • Breast cancer

What Do High or low levels of FSH & LH Mean?

The Female Fertility Timeline


Module 4

Where does progesterone come from

What is its main physiological role

Why a woman needs a monthly dose

Progesterone’s influence on mood - GABA

What happens when it declines

Progesterone’s influence on thyroid hormones

How and why estrogen and progesterone balance each other

Stress and its Hormone Cortisol

Module 5

Stress on a woman

Types of stress

Why we need cortisol

8 steps of the stress response

The Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis explained

Cortisol imbalance: how & why

Cortisol & the hormone ghrelin (hunger hormone)

Cortisol & the hormone leptin (satity hormone)

Adrenal Dysregulation explained

Leptin resistance: what, how & why

How to achieve hunger/satiety balance

The Androgens

Module 6

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

Testosterone in funcBons in women

How & Why testosterone levels decrease

Total testosterone vs free testosterone

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SBGH)

Androgen excess

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Insulin resistance cycle: how & why


Module 7

Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid (HPT) axis

What are the thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormone levels: Allopathic vs Functional Medicine

Critical nutrients for the thyroid gland and its hormones

What is hypothyroid and what are the symptoms

What BodyMind functions does Free T3 influence

What can disrupt the conversion of T4 into Free T3

How to support the thyroid and thyroid hormones

Hashimotos Thyroiditis is an Autoimmune Disease

What can cause Hashimotos

Gliadin, Zonulin, Intestinal Permeability (aka Leaky Gut)

Tests for intestinal permeability

How to heal intestinal permeability

How to reverse Hashimotos

The 5 Pillars of Hormone Balance

Module 8

Commitment to healing

Why food choice is confusing

There is NO one food plan or magic food

Quick fixes can create quick results that will quickly fade

Practical tools and How-to’s

  • How to use food as medicine

  • How to manage food cravings

  • How to eliminate Xenobiotics and xenoestrogens

  • Numerous examples for exercise/movement

  • Numerous stress management techniques

  • What really is meditation & mindfulness

  • Meaningful human connections are priceless. Including with oneself.

Module 9


Origins of detoxification practices and how they have changed

Why our lives are unavoidably increasingly toxic lives

Codependent detox organs/systems:

  • Skin

  • Gut

  • Liver

  • Kidneys

  • Lungs

  • Lymph

  • Brain: Toxic thoughts

Detoxification process:

  • What each system does

  • Why each system is needed

What NOT to do

Why supplements can misleading – dosage matters

How to detoxify safely

Module 10

Supportive Supplements

In depth explanation of how specific supplements work to alleviate symptoms along with typical recommended dosages and when to take them.

How to improve liver enzyme levels, insulin sensitivity, detoxification, decrease inflammation and support hormonal balance by supporting the liver with food and herbals.

Heal a damaged gastrointestinal tract that is causing indigestion, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, IBS with food and supplements.

Module 11

Hormone Replacement Therapy – Bioidentical and Synthetic

HRTs shocking beginnings and history

When hormones were first isolated

Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT)

Women’s health advocates 1970’s

Pharmaceutical companies’ interest in patenting hormones

BHRT differences from HRT

BHRT or HRT do not:

  • Heal a damaged gastrointestinal tract

  • Reverse insulin resistance

  • Reverse leptin resistance

  • Eliminate inflammaBon

  • Regulate cortisol

Module 12

Practical Case Studies


 Join a beautiful, supportive, knowledgeable community of students and graduates when you join our private worldwide Facebook group. 



As a graduate (living in USA or Canada), you will be automatically pre-approved for a Practitioner account through Evexia Diagnostics using Jennifers ‘Landing Page’.  You will have access to every kind of lab test you may want for your client.  Including blood draws through LabCorp, any and all hormone test kits, and GI Mapping, to name a few.  At wholesale practitioner prices.


The comprehensive done-for-you toolkit includes client intake forms, disclaimer forms, hormone quizzes, gut health questionnaires, food journal, exercise journal, reflective journal prompts, informative client handouts, visual posters, plus much more to best prepare you for real-life client scenarios and experience.

Informative Special Topic PDFs including

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibrocystic Breasts

  • Uterine Fibroids

  • Ovarian Cysts

  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

  • The Pill and Perimenopause

  • What Drives a Short or Long Cycle

  • Seed Cycling

  • Histamine and Estrogen





Ready to Enroll?

  • How often do we meet?
    This varies depending on your needs.Once we determine what your first actionable steps are we determine how much time is appropriate between session 1 to session 2; then session 2 to session 3; then session 3 to session 4. The reason is because each woman is different so there is no 1 size fits all time between sessions.
  • Are lab tests a requirement for The Well Woman Program?
    No. Lab tests are absolutely NOT a requirement for the Program. Once we get to know each other, we will discuss if you need a test or not. It is always entirely up to you and 100% optional.
  • What lab testing is offered?
    We will test whatever we determine you need. Here are a few examples: The DUTCH Test—Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones—is an industry-leading option that can provides a clear picture of your hormonal levels. The hormones that can be tested are Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHT, DHEA, and Cortisol. These tests are unique in that they also measure the metabolites of these hormones and test for OATS (Organic Acid Test). A blood draw is currently the only way to measure Thyroid Hormones. Thyroid Hormones are crucial to your overall cellular metabolism. Testing only for TSH is outdated. To gain a full picture of thyroid health we like to see: TSH + FreeT3 + FreeT4 + ReverseT3. As well as thyroid antibodies: TPO + TG. These crucial hormones often get overlooked with the exception of TSH. These tests can be done by your Physician. If your physician will not order these tests. I can and we will set you up at a LabCorp near you. Urine test for Intestinal Permeability AKA Leaky Gut Lactulose/Mannitol Test The small intestine is crucial for providing your body and brain with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Another role it plays is keeping things out of the bloodstream. This is accomplished by something called “tight junctions” between the IECs (intestinal epithelial cells). When these tight junctions become loosened improperly digested food, as well as toxins go directly into the bloodstream. Your immune system responds. Left untreated you will experience inflammation and possibly autoimmune disorders.
  • Is lab testing included in the Well Woman Program pricing?
    No. However, I think every woman should have access to these tests, therefore I do not upcharge from my Practitioner price.
  • Do you suggest supplements?
    Yes. You can count on me recommending supplements with dosages that actually do something. We start slowly, with 1 or 2, so we know what works best for you. I will thoroughly explain why I am suggesting a supplement for you. We address the root cause then supplement to support your flourishing health. As a Well Woman Program member you will receive a 20% discount off the retail price.
  • Do you suggest bio-identical hormone replacement?
    Yes. I do not prescribe, as I am not a Physician. We start slowly, with low dosages, so we know what works best for you. I will thoroughly explain why I am suggesting a bioidentical hormone for you. As a Well Woman Program member you will receive a 20% discount off the retail price. We cannot hormone replace our way out of a lifestyle that does not support our wellbeing. Therefore, we address the root cause then utilize bio-identical hormones to support your flourishing health.
  • Do you treat Hashimoto's?
    Yes. The autoimmune disorder Hashimoto's is one of my specialties. As well as hypothyroid, of which 1 in 8 women will develop at some point in their life, particularly during perimenopause.
  • How much does The Well Woman Program cost?
    The 20 minute complimentary call is free. For latest pricing plans visit
  • What if I require more than the complimentary call and the four 75-minute sessions?
    We will determine this together in session #4.If continued support is needed, you will have it!
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