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The Well Woman



How Does This Work?

Discovery Call

Complimentary 20-minute Discovery Call. We discuss your concerns and goals to determine if you are a good fit for the Well Woman Program  

Session 1

Your first 75 – minute zoom session.  Dive deep into your concerns, challenges, and goals.  We begin to build a bridge to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Collaborating on actionable, realistic next steps.  Determine what lab testing is right for you.

Session 3

75 – minute zoom session #3.  Continue to collaborate and tweak what we have been working on as your wellbeing becomes more solid - we are headed toward the other side of that bridge.

Sign up for your program

Receive your welcome email with your comprehensive intake form and schedule your first session.  All of your sessions are all about you!

Session 2

75– minute zoom session #2.  Discuss what has transpired/shifted between session 1 and session 2.  You will have an interpretation of your lab results during this session.  We will utilize this incredibly valuable information to continue to tailor what steps we will take to continue your progress.

Session 4

75 – minute zoom session #4.  In this session we will finalize your unique program.  You will have a solid foundation to continue to be your best self and live your best life. 


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Gold and White Real Estate Agency Logo Template (8).png

You Are!

Book a Discovery Call

Schedule a Complimentary 20 - minute Discovery call so we discuss your concerns and goals to determine if you are a good fit for the Well Woman Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How often do we meet?
    This varies depending on your needs.Once we determine what your first actionable steps are we determine how much time is appropriate between session 1 to session 2; then session 2 to session 3; then session 3 to session 4. The reason is because each woman is different so there is no 1 size fits all time between sessions.
  • Are lab tests a requirement for The Well Woman Program?
    No. Lab tests are absolutely NOT a requirement for the Program. Once we get to know each other, we will discuss if you need a test or not. It is always entirely up to you and 100% optional.
  • What lab testing is offered?
    We will test whatever we determine you need. Here are a few examples: The DUTCH Test—Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones—is an industry-leading option that can provides a clear picture of your hormonal levels. The hormones that can be tested are Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHT, DHEA, and Cortisol. These tests are unique in that they also measure the metabolites of these hormones and test for OATS (Organic Acid Test). A blood draw is currently the only way to measure Thyroid Hormones. Thyroid Hormones are crucial to your overall cellular metabolism. Testing only for TSH is outdated. To gain a full picture of thyroid health we like to see: TSH + FreeT3 + FreeT4 + ReverseT3. As well as thyroid antibodies: TPO + TG. These crucial hormones often get overlooked with the exception of TSH. These tests can be done by your Physician. If your physician will not order these tests. I can and we will set you up at a LabCorp near you. Urine test for Intestinal Permeability AKA Leaky Gut Lactulose/Mannitol Test The small intestine is crucial for providing your body and brain with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Another role it plays is keeping things out of the bloodstream. This is accomplished by something called “tight junctions” between the IECs (intestinal epithelial cells). When these tight junctions become loosened improperly digested food, as well as toxins go directly into the bloodstream. Your immune system responds. Left untreated you will experience inflammation and possibly autoimmune disorders.
  • Is lab testing included in the Well Woman Program pricing?
    No. However, I think every woman should have access to these tests, therefore I do not upcharge from my Practitioner price.
  • Do you suggest supplements?
    Yes. You can count on me recommending supplements with dosages that actually do something. We start slowly, with 1 or 2, so we know what works best for you. I will thoroughly explain why I am suggesting a supplement for you. We address the root cause then supplement to support your flourishing health. As a Well Woman Program member you will receive a 20% discount off the retail price.
  • Do you suggest bio-identical hormone replacement?
    Yes. I do not prescribe, as I am not a Physician. We start slowly, with low dosages, so we know what works best for you. I will thoroughly explain why I am suggesting a bioidentical hormone for you. As a Well Woman Program member you will receive a 20% discount off the retail price. We cannot hormone replace our way out of a lifestyle that does not support our wellbeing. Therefore, we address the root cause then utilize bio-identical hormones to support your flourishing health.
  • Do you treat Hashimoto's?
    Yes. The autoimmune disorder Hashimoto's is one of my specialties. As well as hypothyroid, of which 1 in 8 women will develop at some point in their life, particularly during perimenopause.
  • How much does The Well Woman Program cost?
    The 20 minute complimentary call is free. For latest pricing plans visit
  • What if I require more than the complimentary call and the four 75-minute sessions?
    We will determine this together in session #4.If continued support is needed, you will have it!

Ana C.

“Working with Jennifer has been life changing and lifesaving.  Why is no one talking about this?  I wonder what would happen, if all women understood, cherished, loved, and respected their bodies by feeding, nurturing, and loving themselves, like I have learned to do.  I am so very grateful and happy, that I decided to do this program.”

Carla J.

“Working with Jennifer has been one of the most life transforming learning experiences ever. The depth of self-knowledge I have learned from Jennifer has allowed me to improve every aspect of my health. I have nothing but praise and feelings of unwavering gratitude for this unique program.”

Jordan W.

“Jennifer gave me insight and real solutions to balance my hormones.  I felt such relief knowing the why behind my symptoms.  I felt even more relief on taking charge of my own wellness and achieving balance.  I can happily say I am a Well Woman!”
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